National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide: adoption [Admin.Code NR 404.04, 404.06, 484.04] -
CR 15–033Safe Drinking Water Loan program [Admin.Code NR 166] -
CR 14–044Safe drinking water revisions to Total Coliform Rule [Admin.Code NR 809.03, 809.04, 809.05, 809.06, 809.07, 809.10, 809.11, 809.113, 809.115, 809.117, 809.203, 809.205, 809.207, 809.243, 809.245, 809.247, 809.25, 809.30, 809.31, 809.311, 809.312, 809.313, 809.314, 809.323, 809.325, 809.327, 809.328, 809.329, 809.33, 809.334, 809.335, 809.336, 809.35, 809.50, 809.52, 809.53, 809.541, 809.542, 809.544, 809.546 (intro), 809.546, 809.547, 809.548, 809.55, 809.561, 809.562, 809.563, 809.565, 809.569, 809.6, 809.61, 809.62, 809.63, 809.65, 809.66, 809.67, 809.68, 809.70, 809.71, 809.74, 809.8, 809.82, 809.83, 809.833, 809.835, 809.837, 809.951, 809.952, 809.953, 809.96] -
CR 15–049Wildlife management: remedial revisions to regulations for hunting, trapping, closed areas, nuisance wildlife management, removal of car-killed deer, and invasive species [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.02, 10.04, 10.07, 10.102, 10.13, 10.24, 10.25, 10.285, 10.29, 12.10, 12.16, 13.30, 15.01, 19.09, 19.12, 19.13, 40.05] -
CR 16–037Wildlife management rules relating to fences for farm-raised white-tailed deer [Admin.Code NR 16.45] -
CR 16–026Wildlife rehabilitiation [Admin.Code NR 19.71, 19.72, 19.73, 19.74, 19.75, 19.76, 19.77, 19.78, 19.79, 19.80, 19.81, 19.82, 19.84] -
CR 15–054Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination (WPDES) compliance: analytical methods [Admin.Code NR 157.21, 219.04, 219.04 Tables A, B, BM, C, D, E, EM, ES, F, G, H, 219.05, 219.06, 233.40] -
CR 13–112WPDES permit implementation, TMDL (total maximum daily load) implementation, and TMDL development and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 106.03, 106.04, 106.05, 106.06, 106.07, 106.08, 106.09, 106.11, 106.115, 106.145, 106.32, 106.33, 106.34, 106.36, 106.37, 106.38, 106.55, 106.62, 106.75, 106.83, 106.87, 106.88, 106.89, 106.91, 205.03, 205.065, 205.066, 212 subch. I (title), II (title), III (title), 212.01, 212.02, 212.03, 212.12, 212.40, 212.60, 212.70, 217.14] -
CR 15–085WPDES permits processing and other permit issuance procedural matters [Admin.Code NR 200.11, 201, 203 subch. I, 203.02, 203.03, 203.05, 203 subch. III, 203.12, 203.13, 203.135, 203.136, 205.07] -
CR 14–0272016 Spring fish and wildlife hearings: rule changes subject to voting [Admin.Code NR 10.06, 10.07, 10.11, 10.12, 10.22, 10.23, 10.24, 10.275, 10 (Index), 13.30, 13.42, 18.04, 45.04, 45.09] -
CR 16–028Cisco (lake herring) harvest in Lake Superior and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 25.06, 25.07, 25.08, 25.13] -
CR 16–061Commercial fishing reporting procedures for web-based electronic fish harvest reporting system re Great Lakes; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 25.02, 25.09, 25.13] -
CR 15–074Commercial harvest of chubs from Lake Michigan and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 25.02, 25.06, 25.07] -
CR 15–050Deer management [Admin.Code NR 1.15, 10, 10.001, 10.01, 10.02, 10.07, 10.102, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.28, 10.41, 10 subch. II] -
CR 13–071Fisheries: minor changes [Admin.Code NR 20.10, 20.20] -
CR 15–014Fishing regulations on inland, outyling, and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 19.001, 19.05, 20.03, 20.16, 20.18, 20.20, 21.04, 25.10, 26] -
CR 15–023Lake sturgeon regulations on the Menominee River [Admin.Code NR 23.05] -
CR 15–066Migratory bird hunting seasons and regulations [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.06] -
CR 15–052Modifications in walleye harvest management in Ceded Territory waters [Admin.Code NR 20.20, 20.36, 23.05, 23.055] -
CR 15–042Muskrat and mink trapping seasons [Admin.Code NR 10.01] -
CR 14–012Trolling fishing regulations on inland and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 20.03, 20.06, 20.15, 20.20, 23.08] -
CR 14–029Wildlife management rules re hunting, trapping, closed areas, nuisance wildlife management, and captive wildlife [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.105, 10.40, 11.10, 16.30] -
CR 16–035Wildlife management rules relating to hunting, trapping, and closed areas [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.13, 11.02, 11.04]
CR 15–024Wolf hunting and trapping season, regulations, a depradation program, training hunting dogs, and coyote hunting [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.02, 10.06, 10.07, 10.09, 10.13, 10.145, 10.16, 10.295, 12.10, 12.15, 12.60, 12.63, 12.64, 12.65, 17.04, 19.25] -
CR 12–049Boat rules and regulations [Admin.Code NR 5.001, 5.01, 5.04, 5.06, 5.09, 5.11, 5.125, 5.13, 5.17, 5.33] -
CR 14–048Law enforcement aids to counties and municipalities [Admin.Code NR 50.03, 50.12, 50.125, 50.13, 64.15] -
CR 14–062Public use of DNR properties and implementation and administration of the Stewardship grant program [Admin.Code NR 45.03, 45.04, 45.045, 45.046, 45.05, 45.09, 45.095, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13, 51.70, 51.73] -
CR 16–001Advanced practice nurse prescribers [Admin.Code N 8.02, 8.03, 8.04, 8.045, 8.05, 8.06, 8.07, 8.09, 8.10] -
CR 16–020Certification of programs for training and testing nurse aides, medication aides, and feeding assistants [Admin.Code DHS 129.01, 129.03, 129.07] -
CR 16–088Examining councils repealed [Admin.Code N 3] -
CR 16–071Nursing credential: grounds for denying [Admin.Code N 7.01, 7.03] -
CR 15–067Renewal, reinstatement and standards of practice [Admin.Code N 2 subch. V, 5, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04] -
CR 15–099Fire protection requirements re hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and facilities serving people with developmental disabilities [Admin.Code DHS 124.28, 131.38, 134.82] -
CR 16–087Nursing home administration: entrance to examinations [Admin.Code NHA 2.02, 2.03, 4.01, 4.02] -
CR 14–078Public–employee safety and health standards [Admin.Code SPS 332.002, 332.003, 332.01, 332.05, 332.06, 332.10, 332.11, 332.16, 332.205, 332.21, 332.22, 332.23, 332.24, 332.25, 332.26, 332.28, 332.29, 332.30, 332.32, 332.33, 332.34, 332.35, 332.36, 332.37, 332.38, 332.39, 332.40, 332.50, Table 332.50–1, Table 332.50–2] -
CR 14–060Organization of the Optometry Examining Board [Admin.Code Opt 2] -
CR 15–079Unprofessional conduct, renewal, and exam requirements [Admin.Code Opt 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 3.07, 3.09, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.045, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14, 5.15, 5.16, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05, 7.06] -
CR 15–078Wildlife management rules relating to hunting, trapping, and closed areas [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.13, 11.02, 11.04]
CR 15–024Special Needs Scholarship Program [Admin.Code PI 49] -
CR 16–005Special Needs Scholarship Program revisions [Admin.Code PI 49.02, 49.03, 49.04, 49.05, 49.07, 49.09] -
CR 16–066Fire protection requirements re hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and facilities serving people with developmental disabilities [Admin.Code DHS 124.28, 131.38, 134.82] -
CR 16–087Vocational rehabilitiation services appeal procedures [Admin.Code DWD 75.01, 75.02, 75.03, 75.04, 75.05, 75.06, 75.07, 75.08 (intro), 75.09, 75.10, 75.11, 75.12 (intro), 75.13, 75.14 (title), 75.16, 75.17, 75.18, 75.19 (title), 75.19] -
CR 15–055Hazardous waste and used oil: incorporating EPA regulation changes re generation, transportation, recycling, treatment, storage, and disposal of [Admin.Code NR 660.10, 660.11, 660.31, 661 Table of Contents, 661.03, 661.04, 661.07, 661.09, 661.21, 661.216, 661.22, 661.32, 661.35, 661.38, 661.39, 661.40, 661.41, 661 Appendices I, II, III, VII, and VIII, 662 Table of Contents, 662.010, 662.021, 662.041, 662.190, 662.194, 662.200, 662.201, 662.202, 662.203, 662.204, 662.205, 662.206, 662.207, 662.208, 662.209, 662.210, 662.211, 662.212, 662.213, 662.214, 662.215, 662.216, 662.220, 663.10, 664.0001, 664.0016, 664.0052, 664.0056, 664.0065, 664.0072, 664.0073, 664 subch EE, 664.0098, 664.0099, 664.0100, 664.0113, 664.0115, 664.0120, 664.0143, 664.0144, 664.0145, 664.0147, 664.0151, 664.0190, 664.0191, 664.0192, 664.0193, 664.0195, 664.0196, 664.0251, 664.0314, 664.0340, 664.0343, 664.0347, 664.0554, 664.0571, 664.0573, 664.0574, 664.1034, 664.1050, 664.1061, 664.1062, 664.1063, 664.1101, 664 Appendix IX, 665.0001, 665.0016, 665.0052, 665.0056, 665.0072, 665.0073, 665.0090, 665.0093, 665.0113, 665.0115, 665.0120, 665.0143, 665.0145, 665.0147, 665.0184, 665.0190, 665.0191, 665.0192, 665.0193, 665.0195, 665.0196, 665.0200, 665.0221, 665.0224, 665.0259, 665.0301, 665.0303, 665.0314, 665.0340, 665.0441, 665.0443, 665.0444, 665.1034, 665.1050, 665.1061, 665.1062, 665.1063, 665.1081, 665.1084, 665.1101, 665.1102, 666.023, 666.070, 666.080, 666.100, 666.102, 666.103, 666.106, 666.112, 666.205, 666.902, 666.903, 666.905, 666 Appendix IX, 667, 668.01, 668.05, 668.07, 668.09, 668.20, 668.30, 668.32, 668.33, 668.35, 668.36, 668.38, 668.39, 668.40, 668.44, 668.45 Table 1, 668.48 Table, 668.49, 668.50, 668 Appendices VII, VIII, and IX, 670.001, 670.002, 670.010, 670.014, 670.016 670.019, 670.022, 670.024, 670.026, 670.032, 670.040, 670.041, 670.042, 670.051, 670.062, 670.066, 670.067, 670.235, 670 subch J, 670.405, 670.415, 670.431, 670.432, 670.504, 670 Appendices I and II, 673.01, 673.04, 673.09, 673.12, 673.13, 673.18, 673.32, 673.33, 673.34, 673.38, 673.61, 679.10, 679.44, 679.53, 679.63] -
CR 16–007Administration of drug products and devices other than vaccines by pharmacists [Admin.Code Phar 7.10] -
CR 16–079Compounding pharmaceuticals [Admin.Code Phar 15] -
CR 16–085Home medical oxygen providers [Admin.Code Phar 14] -
CR 16–072ID card required before dispensing certain controlled substances; inpatient hospice added to definition of a health care facility [Admin.Code Phar 8.13] -
CR 16–018Pharmacist license application and examination [Admin.Code Phar 1.02, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 4.01, 4.03, 4.04, 4.045, 4.046, 4.05] -
CR 16–017Pharmacist license renewal and reinstatement revisions, home medical oxygen providers provision [Admin.Code Phar 5.01, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06] -
CR 15–081``Pharmacy" definition and dispensing certain controlled substances [Admin.Code Phar 1.02, 8.07] -
CR 15–064Prescription drug monitoring program: operation revisions [Admin.Code CSB 4.02, 4.03, 4.10, 4.11, 4.15] -
CR 15–101Prescription drug monitoring program: submitting name of persons to whom certain drugs are dispensed [Admin.Code CSB 4.04] -
CR 15–070Temperature and humidity re drug storage [Admin.Code Phar 6.075] -
CR 16–073